Artist at Work

Artist at Work
Bernhard Cella
artist's book includes a multiple
Germ./Engl./Fr., 116 p., numerous b&w images, 14 x 22,5 cm, paperback
ISBN 978-3-85160-140-4
€ 38,00 [A]
€ 37,00 [D]
out of print
Neokuratin is a preparation developed specifically for treating the endophenomenon of curatorial dependency. It is for use in professions in which the idea of a gradual convergence of art and life are emphasized in a life-long work process. Among fine artists, in particular, this striving for convergence may result in endo-active reality shifts (cf. cognitive dissonance, Münchhausentrilemma, etc.). These shifts are expressed as complexes of their own as this attitude (mindset) is acquired through professional training and is supported at the personal core.