Das Paradox des Realen

Das Paradox des Realen
Essays zur Kunst
Benedikt Ledebur
German, 124 pages, numerous illustrations in b/w, 13 x 21 cm, softcover
ISBN 978-3-902833-66-2
€ 16,00 [A]
€ 15,60 [D]
Benedikt Ledebur reflects on the relation of fine arts and literature, of reality and its depiction, of language and image. Analogies concerning the interpretation of artwork and text come into view as Ledebur analyses the language arts of Dieter Roth as well as the close relationship between language and space experience gained by the sculptural artwork of Werner Feiersinger. Ledebur highlights established viewing habits,connects them to mathematical knowledge and expertly illustrates the actuality and necessity of interdisciplinary methodology.
In his analysis, that is deeply rooted in contemporary art theory and philosophical discourses, Ledebur never loses sight of the artwork itself. Through a constructivist analysis of two filmstills, taken from Alfred Hichcocks Birds and Nobuhiko Obayashis Hausu, he demonstrates that besides filmtheoretical insight, personal experience is ought to be taken into account as a central factor. As a final turn, Ledebur considers the undeniable conjunction beween artwork and title and thereby creates a superordinate synthesis of his acquired ideas.