Divan – Türkische Sofafahrten

Divan – Türkische Sofafahrten
Josef Trattner
With contributions by Hikmet Temel Akarsu, İlhami Algör, Aslı Büyükköksal, Hakan Demirel, Öznur Turan Eke, Ömer Erciyes, Hüseyin Tolga Koyuncugil, Nevzat Sayın, Mustafa Reşat Sümerkan and Şerafettin Yıldız
German / English / Turkish, 208 pages, numerous illustrations in colour, 21 x 28 cm, softcover
ISBN 978-3-902833-82-2
€ 28,00 [A]
€ 27,20 [D]
With his 4th DIVAN- / SOFA-project, Josef Trattner again takes us to the borders of Europe, and now beyond, to Istanbul, Samsun, Trabzon, Ankara, and Izmir. In the country chosen this time, he has again invited artists, writers, musicians, and architects to converse with him about the city’s spaces while sitting together on the red foam sofa. The new publication, just released, collects the traces of the journeys in Turkey; the photos and texts are taken from his discussions, encounters, and travels. Josef Trattner presents a new, grand chapter in his European documentary project and offers the reader a very novel approach to understanding the intellectuals, artists, and writers from the position of their situation in present-day Turkey.