Figure It Out

Figure It Out
Josef Danner
With contributions by Josef Danner, Eva Maltrovsky, Cornelia Offergeld, Peter Pakesch
German/English, 240 pages, illustrations in colour and b/w, 29,7 x 23 cm, hardcover
€ 32,00 [A]
€ 31,00 [D]
The extensive and from various sources inspired always political work of Josef Danner unfolds in paintings, drawings, prints and posters in public space. After a brief overview of early paintings from 1984, the series of Black Paintings (1989-92) and the parallel-resulting artists book Fragmentary report from Monopolyland leads right to the projects in public space. Another focus is on the drawings and graphic work and the artist's work with text.
Virtual projects and designs emphasize the position of the book as an interface based on realized works of the past and present, to the future. The book provides an overview of working methods, series of works, exhibitions and projects and is the first comprehensive manual for understanding the continuity of Danner's until today strongly carried on working positions. To this day Danner is one of the most important and versatile Austrian artists, intellectual, technically brilliant and commenting on our time with enlightening wit.