Lumen Zine Heft 1: Elfie Semotan

Lumen Zine Heft 1: Elfie Semotan
Magazin der Sternenpassage / MQ Wien
Edited by Sabine Jelinek, Vitus Weh
texts by Verena Kaspar-Eisert, Christian Köberl
German / English, 20 pages, 13 × 18 cm, numerous color illustrations, staple binding
November 2018
ISBN 978-3-903172-33-3
€ 8,00 [A]
€ 7,80 [D]
A micro-museum of light phenomena, MuseumQuartier Vienna’s new Sternenpassage (Star Passage) presents artists with projects on the subject of “Enlightenment” (in the extended and metaphorical sense)—artists who work with lighting and light phenomena. Each series of images created for the Sternenpassage is combined with a telescopic photograph of space and are displayed in illuminated glass cases. The magazine Lumen Zine documents these exhibitions and provides context. The first artist commissioned to design the Sternenpassage is the Austrian photographer Elfie Semotan.
Three editions of Lumen Zine per year accompany the exhibitions in the Sternenpassage Mikromuseum für Lichterscheinungen / MQ Wien.