Lumen Zine Heft 9: Dimitrios Mavroudis

Lumen Zine Heft 9: Dimitrios Mavroudis
Magazin der Sternenpassage / MQ Wien
edited by Sabine Jelinek
Texts by Vitus Weh, Christian Köberl / Graphic design: Stefan Biedermann
German / English, 24 pages, 13 × 18 cm, numerous color illustrations, staple binding
May 2023
€ 8,00 [A]
€ 7,80 [D]
The stars in the sky one primarily served as aids to navigate our life here on Earth: for instance, to deicde when to sow the crop in the argricultural cacle or to determine one’s ship’s position at sea. We knew that the stars invariably followed a fixed trajectory. So, we didn’t have to reach for the stars. It would have been downright nonsensical. The hands stretched out into the sky in the photographs of Dimitrios Mavroudis’s series Behind the Sun don’t seem to be reaching for much of anything anyway. … In succinctly poetic fashion, the series uses photosynthesis as a metaphor to give expression to one of our great yearnings: I see them as pictures of longing to be included in the nutricent cycle, the energy cycle, like a plant which is to say, vegtatively connected to the forces of the entire universe. (Vitus Weh) In its capacity as a micromuseum, MuseumQuartier Vienna’s Sternenpassage highlights artists whose work broadly relates to photography. Artists are commissioned to create pieces specially for the passage. Each resulting series is presented across four illuminated circular display cases mounted on the walls, and accompanied by astrophotography. Lumen Zine is a miniature catalogue supplementing exhibitions at Sternenpassage.