Outcast of the Universe

Outcast of the Universe
Commonstealth. Omniabsence & Parallel Living
Thomas Feuerstein
Ed. by Klaus Thoman. With contributions by Paolo Bianchi, Reinhard Braun, Diedrich Diederichsen, Thomas Feuerstein, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Siegfried J. Schmidt, Sabine B. Vogel and Helmut Wilke
248 Pages, numerous colour illustrations, German / English, 297 x 210 mm, Paperback
ISBN 3-85160-072-X
€ 29,80 [A]
€ 29,00 [D]
Feuerstein's book provides a rich introduction to the parallel worlds of "mediatization, cybernetization, biopolitics and identity policy" (Reinhard Braun). As an artist, theoretician and literary author the universalist Feuerstein explores the enlightenment optimism of radically opposing lines of tradition. Cyborg literature, the artist as avatar, global society in a lab, subject to experiment solutions. Includes a text by Nathaniel Hawthorne and Feuerstein's notes from his conversations with Diedrich Diederichsen, Paolo Bianchi, Siegfried J. Schmidt, and others