Ingrid Gaier
Texts by Sophie Geretsegger, Theresia Hauenfels, Sandy Tomsits, Peter Zawrel and a conversation between Waltraud Grausgruber and Ingrid Gaier
German / English, 256 pages, 26,5 × 24 cm, numerous color illustrations, softcover
September 2020
ISBN 978-3-903172-63-0
€ 28,00 [A]
€ 27,20 [D]
This monograph, designed by Ingrid Gaier herself, gives a precise overview of her textiles, installations, and film works. In her essay, Sophie Geretsegger situates Ingrid Gaier’s work in the Austrian tradition of body art and actionism—in the tradition of Maria Lassnig and Kiki Kogelnik. Particularly striking is her work with script and texts, which she weaves into her textile objects, sometimes as ornamental elements but above all with explicitly political, feminist intent.
“What distinguishes Ingrid Gaier and makes contemplating her work so satisfying is her ability—independent of any given assignment—to employ the techniques of so-called applied arts so freely that a complex, multifaceted, autonomous oeuvre has unfolded over the years, which is proliferating unmanageably, ramifying, and at the same time measures and remeasures a world that seems ever less transparent.” – Peter Zawrel in his essay