Spitzen und so weiter...

Spitzen und so weiter...
Bertha Pappenheim's Collection at the MAK
Peter Noever
Ed. MAK, Wien. with contributions from Dagmar Sachsenhofer, Elisabeth Schmuttermeier, Angela Völker and Gudrun Wolfgruber
German/English, 96 p., numerous illustrations., approx. 21 x 26 cm, softcover
ISBN 978-3-85160-120-6
23,00 € [A]
22,40 € [D]
out of print
Anno O. alias Bertha Pappenheim, the first of Sigmund Freud's recorded “cases” to be treated with psychoanalytical discussion therapy, was not only a prominent Jewish women’s rights activist and protector of women in need, she was also known as a generous collector of lace and cast iron objects. A representative selection of these heterogeneous and yet linked objects which the collector both sold and donated to the MAK is shown here for the first time.