Im Gewühle der Gefühle I.

Im Gewühle der Gefühle I.
Wien und Umgebung
Herbert Brandl
ed. by Kasper König und Johannes Schlebrügge. Published on the occasion of the participation of Austria in the 1995 Frankfurt Book Fair, in the series "artists books"
136 pages, 136 illustrations, 317 x 230 mm, Paperback
ISBN 3-85160-002-9
out of print
Herbert Brandl's charcoals of Vienna's night-worlds and dreamscapes, replete with naked bodies, memories from the comics and artificial creations that populate them, originally appeared as his first artist's book, which was launched at Frankfurt's Kunsthalle Schirn within the franework of the exhibition "Artist's Books" in 1995.
The publication is out of stock. Still available: signed and numbered edition EUR 78,00