Kleiner Trommelwirbel / Small Drum Roll

Kleiner Trommelwirbel / Small Drum Roll

Roland Kollnitz

Ed. by Rainer Fuchs, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien. With contributions by Rainer Fuchs and Roland Kollnitz.

Germ/Engl., 64 p., 12 x 18,5 cm, illustrations in colour, Softcover


ISBN 978-3851601350

€ 15,00 [A]

€ 14,60 [D]

The central motif in Roland Kollnitz’s installation is an aluminum chain hanging above Heimo Zobernig’s White Cube in the entrance hall of the MUMOK. The chain dangles down into the depths of the space, finally ending, appearing to be torn off at its end, in a pile on the bottom floor. On its way down, the chain goes past a sculpture made out of florescent lights and continues on following the architectural setting of the building.