ich und das

ich und das
Frenzi Rigling
With texts by Katrin Bucher Trantow and Christine Schatz. Interview between Stella Rollig and Frenzi Rigling.
English/German, 160 pages, numerous illustrations in colour and b/w, 20 x 28 cm, softcover
ISBN 978-3-902833-39-6
€ 24,00 [A]
€ 23,30 [D]
Everyday objects and finds from nature show up everywhere in different forms in the oeuvre of Swiss artist Frenzi Rigling—in photos and sketches or collages, textile compositions and objects. She picks up on—ostensibly trite—subjects from her own environment, and stages and alienates them, turning them into multifaceted art objects and installations that confuse or sometimes unsettle the viewer—but above all seduce to reflect about them.
Showcasing works by Frenzi Rigling, the project “Wir zeigen” is starting its second round. This project initiated by Georg Folian aims at presenting current discursive and multi-disciplinary positions of artists belonging an elder generation—and in parallel, at engaging in the discourse on the present status quo of art and artists in Austria from various perspectives and together with different experts.