Von der Wirklichkeit der Bilder

Von der Wirklichkeit der Bilder
Isa Rosenberger
With contributions by Barbara Steiner, Kristina Leko a.o.
German/English, 56 p., 21 x 29,7 cm, 46 ill. in colour, 43 ill. in b/w
ISBN 978-3-85610-097-1
€ 16,00 [A]
€ 15,60 [D]
Isa Rosenberger engages with social and political developments in her artistic work. The artist is particularly interested in political upheaval and both its social as well as economic consequences— often with a specific focus upon a post-socialist Europe and the changes (there) in urban space and its concomitant public sphere. In order to do this, the artist enters into a communicative exchange with contemporary witnesses whom she interviews about their personal experiences and perspectives upon (recent) historical events. Her interlocutors not only become protagonists in her work, but also to an extent coauthors time and time again.