Russische Kinderbücher / Russian Children's Books 1920-1940
Peter Noever
Ed. by MAK, Wien. With texts by Ilya Kabakov, Christian Reder and Natalia Stagl. with a reprint of "Die Küche" by Ossip Mandelstam, Moscow-Leningrad 1926
64 pages, numerous colour illustrations, German / English, 223 x 275 mm, Paperback
ISBN 3-85160-044-4
out of print
This catalogue introduces the Russian children’s book from the post-revolutionary and the Stalinist period until 1940. With an increasingly restrictive cultural policy those children’s books occupy a subversive niche. Lebedew, Majakowski, Mandelstam, El Lissitzky and others created distinguished pieces of constructivist and futuristic art.